Improving your website can often be difficult as you have to change your back–end code considerably to ensure your pages run much faster. Nonetheless, it is possible to enhance your site’s performance, without the need to alter anything at all in the background. By using the Website Accelerator Programs, built into the Web Hosting Control Panel, you could make your web–sites stream and function better than in the past. This is not going to only reward your customers (everyone likes the web page they’re going to to work fast), but will even help your site climb higher in search engine listings.

Dealing with the Website Accelerator Programs is definitely uncomplicated. Just log into the Web Hosting Control Panel and discover exactly how each web accelerator performs.


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to data base requests

Should you have a data base–dependent web site or app, and database requests often lower the functionality, this could be really discouraging for the web–site visitors and the web application consumers. Seeking out a remedy usually can demand a great deal of time. However, in the RC Web Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you will find there’s a solution for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet robust distributed memory object caching system, that caches information and objects in the RAM. In this way, the database–saved information on your web site will not need to be querried each time a visitor loads the exact same page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–storing in place of HTTP queries

For those of you who have content–intense active sites with plenty of photographs and online videos, you’ll without a doubt have to make sure that your pages run fast for your website visitors. An awesome tool you should use is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that will help you accelerate your web sites without demanding that you have any specialized computing knowledge.

Varnish stores all requests towards the server within the server’s memory and ships the web pages fast to the customer by preventing fresh calls towards the web server. That way, the web pages on your web site are going to be delivered 300 – 1000x times more speedily to your visitors. You can also select if the arriving requests will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the web server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


Produce scalable applications without any problem

Node.js gives an innovative development platform for forming flexible web applications and web sites in a record breaking speed. It could be utilized for almost everything – from dealing with API calls, streaming information plus parsing e–mails to converting photographs, audio files, clips and office docs.

It is using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and productive. In addition, Node.js possesses a significant assistance community that creates steady changes to the system and is always willing to provide support.

Hepsia File Manager