PHP is amongst the most widely used general-purpose web programming languages. It is very popular because it’s free software, which can be used to set up interactive sites such as community web portals, e-commerce portals or e-teaching portals instead of static HTML sites. A PHP module must be installed on the server where a PHP-powered site is hosted so that its code can be ‘deciphered’. Since there aren’t any license charges for this sort of module and the language offers limitless options for the apps that you set up, there’re 100s of millions of PHP websites. Additionally, there are loads of open-source PHP scripts, which you can use for your sites without having to possess any coding know-how. As there are a handful of versions of PHP, you should verify that the exact same version that you used whilst building your site is available on the server too.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Web Hosting

We have reached a decision not to prevent our current and prospective clients from choosing the PHP version that their websites will be using, which goes to say that in case you get a web hosting package from us, you’ll be able to select between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the account itself, but also for each domain name that you host. This can be done with only one click through our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel via which all shared web hosting accounts are administered, so you will not need to possess any technical or programming knowledge. You will be able to host websites built with both old and new PHP scripts without trouble, so if you decide to abandon your present hosting supplier and move over to us, you can be sure that all the sites that you’ve set up over the years will continue to run perfectly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you have a site built using an earlier PHP version and you have contributed time and energy toward developing it, patching security holes and adding page content, you will need to find a hosting service that can support it, as almost all web hosting vendors nowadays support only the most recently introduced version of PHP and give up the previous ones. We, however, have decided to permit you to pick the version that your very own websites require. Our semi-dedicated servers support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which suggests that you will be able to use both newer and older scripts without losing any manual settings or frittering away time and energy striving to make your sites compatible with the web hosting platform. The version can be changed via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and such a change will apply to the whole account, but you will also have the ability to pick a different PHP version for each single website hosted in your account using an .htaccess configuration file.